Document Management System

Document Management System is a collection of technologies that work together to provide a comprehensive solution for managing the creation, capturing, indexing, storage, retrieval, and disposition of records and information assets of the organization.
Dryice document management system allows you to store, manage, and track documents.



Version control

This feature will help to control your documents version without having to maintain copies of a single document. It will let you see all the versions made and alert every member of the most up-to date version.

Security and access control

The system will avoid unauthorized access by executing role based permissions for file entry. Regardless to this, Some software programs also restrict IP addresses which ensures only the right people can open, view, and modify the files.

Document Storage

This System will archive your files in a single vault for easy retrive,storage, and sharing for further use. Centralizing this process will help you to find relevant information immediately accessible when necessary.