Argus e-KYC System with Digital Authentication improves the efficiency of online transactions. Integrating Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Face Matching, Liveness Detection, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the e-KYC Solution helps businesses build an end-to-end digital onboarding experience.  Our e-KYC solution allows users to automatically verify and extract data from images and documents with near-perfect accuracy. Anywhere, Anytime With a sophisticated e-KYC System, customer filling can be done error-free. e-KYC Systems can be used on websites and mobile, Ideal for companies including Government agencies, Banks, Hospitals, and financial institutions that require identification verification often. Our e-KYC Solution is Single Scalable, Cloud-hosted solution with onboarding experiences across both web and mobile platforms. Our e-KYC reuses the user's e-KYC details so that the next time it takes less than 30 seconds to complete the whole process. It also makes it easy for the team to manage all user applications with a powerful admin dashboard.


What is ARGUS e-KYC Solution?

Digital customer authentication process, according to the standards announcement of the level of IAL2.3 and AAL2.2 using ID cards Passport and face scan Reduces the operating time and paper while preparing the documents. To ensure regulatory compliance and fraud detection for clients, e-KYC Solutions has connected its e-KYC solutions to central database of GIDC server, Personal Income Tax, and National Identity and can be connected other Verification Institutions/Departments. Also, clients can adjust their e-KYC’s False Acceptance Rate (FAR) to suit their needs. The adjustable range is from 1/10.000 to lower than 2%. This flexibility helps businesses strike a balance between data security and usability during the onboarding process.

How does ARGUS e-KYC process work? And, Scope of ARGUS e-KYC?

The term "e-KYC" is used to refer to digital KYC processes. Electronic Know Your Customer, or e-KYC, is the paperless, remote procedure that reduces the costs and conventional bureaucracy required in KYC processes.

Identity, signature, and phishing frauds are all fairly frequent. In order to prevent these counterfeiting offenses and related crimes, we have focused on technical compliance solutions and have developed entirely secure e-KYC methods.

Features of ARGUS e-KYC Solution:

  • Standardized and Highly secure.
  • Supports all connections.
  • Designed to connect to All major Networks.
  • AI-Powered Face Match.
  • Powerful Risk Management Dashboards (Integrate Back and Front Office, Approve, Reject and Review Applications).
  • e-KYC system is developed in Microservice Architecture making it easier for clients to develop new features or integrations.

Confident, Transparent, Verifiable, Connects with Service Providers Under Government network (with Blockchain technology).

Authentication ARGUS e-KYC Solution:

  1. Facial recognition system: Facial recognition and learning technology That makes touchless digital financial services convenient and safe.
  2. Scan Passport with NFC compatible mobile phones: Data reading system Name-surname, Address, Expiration date, including face photos from chips. NFC support from Smart Phones and supports operation on Windows, iOS and Android systems.
  3. ID Chip/ID Card Scan: The system can connect to the Smart Card Reader. Checks the reliability of the data with Government Networks, to verify and confirm the identity of the applicant.
  4. Identity verification through agents Counter service: Identity verification through agents at Counter Service in all branches of the country.

ARGUS e-KYC Liveness Test:

3D Liveness, OCR for KYC Onboarding + 3D Face Matching for Ongoing Authentication.

  • Real Time Face Match.
  • Verifies 3-Dimensionality.
  • Head Movement Analysis.
  • Lip Movement Analysis.
  • Audio Processing.
  • Verifies Identity.
  • Data Extraction (OCR).

AI Algorithms that Perform:

  • Fraud Check.
  • Image, Data integrity Check.
  • Smart OCR for Data Extraction.

A complete compliance platform:

Identity verification (KYC):
Verify your users in real-time via authentic identity documents.
Anti-money laundering (AML):
AML Screening from 1000+ sanction lists & 3000+ financial risk databases from over 60,000 sources
Know your business (KYB):
Get refreshed business data from over 180+ million data sources.
The Product will be configured (using configuration engine) based on country compliance to make National Bank regulations.